How To Stay Encouraged While Sharing the Gospel

“And God is able to make all grace overflow to you so that because you have enough of everything in every way at all times, you will overflow in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8)

God bless Sunday school teachers! The truth is it’s hard to get through to some people whether they’re three or eighty-three. We get frustrated feeling like we never get anywhere no matter how many times we try to explain God’s truth’s to them. It’s tempting to give up and spend our time teaching more promising students, but the story of Zacchaeus has a lesson for everyone.

From Luke 19 we know Zacchaeus was probably an unpopular man—he was a chief tax collector and wealthy, considered a “sinner.” But he was curious about Jesus and, being short, climbed a tree to catch a glimpse of him over the crowds. In the midst of that crowd of devoted fans and other “promising students”, Jesus looked up into the tree and said, “Zacchaeus, come down quickly because I must stay at your house today” (vs. 5). The crowd grumbled, no doubt wondering why Jesus honored him above everyone else. But Jesus explained, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (vs. 10). Jesus picked the most unlikely guy in the crowd to hang out with that day—the one nobody wanted to be friends with, the one they assumed would never repent and be saved.

The righteous don’t need a Savior; Jesus was about the people on the outskirts of our Christian comfort zone. We’ve all met people who seem like they’ll never be interested in the gospel, who may even deliberately try to thwart our efforts to share with them, who we have nothing in common with and it’s awkward. But no matter how hopeless the situation might seem to our earthly eyes, we never know what amazing transformation God has in store for those who seem so hard to reach. In Luke 18:27 Jesus said, “What is impossible for mere humans is possible for God.” Take heart and don’t be discouraged if you have a Billy in your life too. God’s grace is enough for you both.

When it comes to sharing Christ with someone, who is a challenge in your life? Why might that person be resistant to the gospel?

Ask God to open your eyes to the lost, the courage to seek them out, and the grace and perseverance to share the gospel in love.

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