12 Funny Skits for Youth Groups

Does your youth group enjoy skits? We thought so. Fact is, we love skits too. Go figure right? Well, we have a ton of scripts on our site that you can use, but finding the perfect one for your group can be a big task. We have assembled a list of funny comedy skits that can be performed by 5 or more students in your youth ministry.

Two high school students wear duct tape over their mouths to make sure they don't accidentally say something about their faith and offend someone.

A zany game show opportunity goes wrong when contestants realize that all sin is a form of idolatry.

This skit is pure fun looking at what could be with the weirdest date on record.

Several people are repelling off of a cliff, but each tie their rope to temporary things that eventually let them down. The one most secure is the one who ties his rope to the only lasting thing- the Rock.

One of the most well-known miracles performed by Jesus was the healing of the blind man in John 9:12. This skit reenacts this miraculous scene in a way that guarantees laughs.

When the parts of the body don't work together, the body can eventually die.

If God recruited you to play on His team, would you trust that He knows exactly what He's doing?

God wants to use us on His team, but it's so easy to come up with excuses of why we're not good enough to play for Him. This script is Part 2 of "His Team."

This comedy takes place in the local news station that has lost all of their video clips. This is a guaranteed laugh skit as the audience gets to watch the news crew act out each news story.

Rule # 27 – If mom and dad are out of the house for the night, don’t bring your date home. This skit offers a hormone’s-eye view of what happens in a relationship when good boundaries are not maintained.

A humorous look at one of the great heroes of the faith.

This day-in-the-life of a boy is a fun illustration of how the Body of Christ should work together.

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