Devotional on Tithing

Read This: “Each one of you should give just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Think: Money is an awkward conversation to have at church. We expect the electric bill to be paid, craft supplies bought for the kids, and coffee served without often putting much thought into how it’s all paid for. We all have our own budgets to worry about, but giving to God is an honor and a privilege when we have the right attitude.

Have you ever found the perfect gift for someone? Maybe a birthday or Christmas present that your friend or loved one just had to have. Do you remember being so excited to give it to them—just because you knew how happy it would make them? God wants us to give to him with the same kind of joy and fulfillment.

Giving is a demonstration of our commitment to the church, the hands and feet of Christ. Pastors, missionaries, and other Christian workers are obedient to the ministry to which God has called them, trusting in him to provide the necessary means to carry out the task. At the same time, the Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of believers to give generously and support the work that God is doing, also learning to trust God with their own finances.

As the apostle Paul says, we shouldn’t be giving because we feel like we have to or expecting something in return—what joy is there in that? A heartless gift means nothing. Your offerings, financially or otherwise, should always begin in your heart. It’s a privilege to be a part of what God is doing and it’s exciting (and dare I say a little bit addictive) to know that some sacrifice on our part can render huge results for the kingdom of God.

Jesus said it is better to give than to receive and that’s so true when you really believe in what you’re giving. Giving is an act of worship and service to God that brings glory to his name. Let’s give cheerfully knowing that our generosity is used to bless others who are in need.

Ask: Have you ever given money for the wrong reasons (peer pressure, guilt, on impulse)? How was your attitude different than when you give prayerfully?

Pray: Ask God to open your eyes to opportunities to give—especially to the church and the poor as God so often reminds us to do in his Word.

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