Finding Jesus - Devotional

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I look to you, heaven-dwelling God, look up to you for help. ...
We’re watching and waiting, holding our breath, awaiting your word of mercy. Psalm 123:1-3 (The Message)


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This time of year, do you find yourself clearing away the turkey and stuffing leftovers and turning your attention to Christmas? It's only natural, but somehow, suddenly, your perspective shifts away from a state of gratefulness into a sea of chaos, filled with decorations and plans for gifts and gatherings.


The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season bursts into our lives, and for some of us, the only time we slow down to think about the reason for this season is when we place the baby Jesus in the manger of our nativity display.


That's a perfect time to pause. That's the time to remind yourself that God sent His only Son, an infant, to this world. He sent Jesus, knowing that ultimately, His Son would be put to death. If that isn't reason to slow down and focus on the real reason for this season, what is?



Ask yourself what's in the way of you focusing on Jesus this Christmas season? What do you need to set aside? What can wait until later to have your attention? How can you slow down and remember the true reason for the season?



God, thank You for sending Jesus for me. Thank you that, even though I didn't deserve this ultimate gift, You sent Him anyway. Please help me to remember the love you sent in Your Son as I go through the busyness of this season. Allow me to catch glimpses of You and Your love in the mundane and the hectic moments of my days.

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