Have No Fear - Devotional

Read This: "Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." (Isaiah 41:10, NLT)

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Think: When we're little kids, there's plenty things to be afraid of, whether it's a monster under the bed, or the scary ghost stories told around a campfire. Even once we hit adulthood, there are still things that can scare us. Will there be enough money to pay the bills this month? How can I keep my kids safe in a world that seems so dangerous? What if I never find someone to spend my life with? What if I fail at school/work/life?


The good news is that as Christians we don’t need to be afraid of these things. In fact, God tells us in His Word that we don't need to be afraid. When we feel weak, He strengthens us. When we're unstable or unsure, He holds us up. When we are discouraged, He continues to love and care for us.

Ask: What are some things you are afraid of? What do you think is the root of that fear?

Pray: Ask God to take away any fears you have, especially those that are causing you to feel stuck or powerless. Pray for His presence to be obvious to you when you're feeling discouraged, unsure, or unsafe.

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