You're Not Listening - Devotional

Read This: “I give you a new commandment – to love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. Everyone will know by this that you are my disciples – if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35)


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Think: Listening is hard work. But the truth is, we don’t have to listen to anything that doesn’t interest us very often. We live in a culture with so much technology and entertainment that we can pick and choose what we want to hear. Social media lets us take in information from select family and friends without really having to invest a lot of time. The trouble comes when we have to deal with people in the real world—our kids, spouses, co-workers, neighbors, you know...humanity.

One of the best ways to show that you truly love and care for someone is to listen to them. When someone starts talking to you, they’re inviting you to walk with them, to go where they’re going, to journey with them for a short time. Maybe it’s not your first choice of conversation, maybe you’re in a hurry and you feel like you don’t have time. But when you stop and take the time to invest in someone else’s story, you get to be an example of God’s love and let His light shine through you by simply listening.

We need to be ready to listen to people whenever they’re ready to talk. You might have to give up lunch at work, skip your workout, or put down your phone (that's not such a bad thing!). The point is, God asks us to represent Him to others. And God always has time to listen wholeheartedly when we are ready to talk to Him. Let’s be His light in our lonely, tech-driven world.

Ask: Reflect on the people God has brought into your life. How can you be a more proactive listener to each of them?

Pray: Spend time thanking God for always being a faithful listener to you. Ask Him to help you love others better by listening better.

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