Tonight Tommy and Eddie look at Proverbs 17:17. Twin brothers Gary and Barry are a ridiculous example but eventually show what it looks like to be loyal and be there for each other no matter what.
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As Tommy and Eddie wrap up season 5, they will challenge you to take inventory of all the things you're thankful for in your life.
In this special episode, Tommy and Eddie will welcome a special guest. They'll look at Psalm 139:17-18 and talk about how each of us is God's treasure.
Join Tommy and Eddie for an episode focused on Psalm 42:11. They'll bring a sheriff and deputy to do a skit reminding us to put our hope in God.
In this episode, Tommy and Eddie will look at Joshua 1:9 and what it means to be courageous and remember God is with you. There will be a hilarious skit to help drive home the point!
Tommy and Eddie will look at Matthew 7:24-27 and make you laugh as they talk about what it means to build your faith on a firm foundation.
Tonight, Tommy and Eddie will bring a hilarious skit to help look at Colossians 2:7. They'll remind us that the closer we are to God, the stronger our roots become.
Tommy and Eddie look at 1 Corinthians 1:4 and talk about what it means to be full of thanks. They'll share a fun video that demonstrates fullness and remind us to be thankful.
In this episode, Tommy and Eddie look at Psalm 121:5 and will do a skit with everyone's favorite Sunday school teacher and student to talk about God providing shade for us.
Tonight, Tommy and Eddie look at Deuteronomy 30:20 and what it means to listen to God. Grandma and Grandson will show us what not to do!
Tommy and Eddie talk about Hebrews 12:1 and bring in the Run brothers to help demonstrate perseverance in the race of life.
Tommy and Eddie will invite a couple of favorite Bible characters to look at Hebrews 13:8 to remind us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and always.
In this episode, Tommy and Eddie talk about the armor of God that helps us be on guard in the world around us. They'll share a hilarious video that helps demonstrate it!
Tommy and Eddie look at Psalm 37:24 in this episode. A fascinating news story will help demonstrate how God keeps us from falling, even if we stumble.
A look at Hebrews 10:36 in this episode leads Tommy and Eddie to bring back a couple favorite characters. Elvis and Presley will teach us about being patient with others to learn how God is patient with us.
In this episode, Tommy and Eddie look at Proverbs 21:21 and have a couple of buff characters help them explain what it means to pursue righteousness and unfailing love.
Tommy and Eddie bring some new characters to life in this episode when they look at Psalm 143:10. They'll talk about how following God keeps us with firm footing in life.
Tonight, Tommy and Eddie look at 2 Peter 3:18. In their skit, a couple old fogeys talk about live back in their day and show what happens when you don't grow in grace and knowledge.
Tommy and Eddie bring a couple of teenagers from the 80s in tonight to demonstrate what NOT to do. The guys look at Psalm 90:17 and talk about using your hands to give glory to God
When Tommy and Eddie look at Philippians 4:6, they enlist the help of Zeb and Zach to remind us to tell God what's worrying us and let Him help us not to worry.
In this episode of Bedtime Bible Stories, Tommy and Eddie look at 1 Samuel 12:24 and put on a game show to help you to think of all the things the Lord has done for you.
Tonight, Tommy and Eddie look at Psalm 40:10. As they do a skit, a little boy admits to his dad that he's not keeping Jesus hidden from his friends.
As Tommy and Eddie look at Proverbs 30:5, an epic battle ensues when an evil nemesis faces the shield of God's Word.
Little Billy and Mr. Drummond help Tommy and Eddie explain why we should be who God created us to be and praise Him.
Tommy and Eddie are back with an episode looking at Isaiah 40:31. Tonight, the Run brothers, Greg and Run, demonstrate that we don't need to keep running, but need to wait on God and trust in Him.
Tonight, Tommy and Eddie look at 1 John 4:9. Bart and Andy try to understand what Jesus means when He claims to be the good shepherd who will sacrifice Himself for all of us.
As Tommy and Eddie look at Psalm 5:3, Grandma and Grandson show us why we shouldn't fill our lives with lots of things that keep us busy and stress us out, but instead we should let go and give it to God.
In this episode, Tommy and Eddie let Mr. Peabody explain to Sherman what honey is. They explain that we should use sweet words when talking to others to build them up.
Two old curmudgeons demonstrate how negative words can make people bitter. Tommy and Eddie remind us that our words can either build people up or tear people down, so we should watch our words.
As we return for season 5 of Bedtime Bible Stories, Tommy and Eddie bring in a couple of wise guys. Charlie is a friendship referee and tries to help build up his pal, Mac.
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