Season 4 Episode 401

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 401

In this episode of Laugh with the Skit Guys, Tommy and Eddie talk about a good idea that God had (it was you!), wonder about what Goulash actually is, and show us what the armor of God is all about. Plus they pull a video out of the Skit Guys archives that will make you laugh and maybe cringe a little.

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Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 411
Episode 411
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 411

This episode of Laugh with the Skit Guys is full of love and family. Watch videos about moms, dads, and parenting. You’ll also see the story of Elizabeth and Zecharia, and the road to Emmaus.

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 410
Episode 410
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 410

Any time of year is a good time for New Years Nuggets, and Tommy and Eddie have some good ones for you. You’ll also watch videos that get you laughing and thinking about your friendships, the things that can control you, and how God created you.

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 409
Episode 409
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 409

This episode features two videos for Celebrate Recovery. "Come As You Are" reminds people that they don't have to pretend to be someone else. "What to Expect at Celebrate Recovery" is a funny video that tells you what you can expect at a CR meeting.

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 408
Episode 408
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 408

Watch this Christmas episode of Laugh with the Skit Guys. It’s all about the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world.

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 407
Episode 407
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 407

This episode is all about saying thanks, being grateful, and recognizing the things and people God has placed in your life to bless you. You’ll laugh, and you may even cry. But we won’t tell anyone!

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 406
Episode 406
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 406

This is the Easter episode of season 4, and it’s packed with Palm Sunday, Pentecost, an awkward Easter invite, and two other videos that will get you thinking about who Jesus is and what He did for us.

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 405
Episode 405
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 405

This episode of Laugh with the Skit Guys is filled with love, patriotism, and loads of laughs. Watch a commercial parody for a dating site called Need Harmony, a few videos about expressing your love to someone, a hilarious look at the forefathers and how they may have brainstormed plans for the 4th of July, and more.

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 404
Episode 404
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 404

Have you ever thought about the legacy you’ll leave behind? In this episode of Laugh with the Skit Guys, Tommy and Eddie present a great video about legacy. Then you’ll see a weatherman display how not to invite your friends to church. Finally, Tommy and Eddie let you in on a mockumentary about their relationship as Skit Guys.

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 403
Episode 403
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 403

In this episode of Laugh with the Skit Guys, you’ll be cracking up with some of their funniest skits about accountability and prayer, along with a favorite 80s movie homage. They bring the parable of the Prodigal Son to life, and show a video where two dads try to see parenthood through the eyes of moms. Stay tuned to the end to see great outtakes!

Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 402
Episode 402
Laugh with the Skit Guys Episode 402

Tommy and Eddie bring another episode of laughter your way, and it’s pretty awkward. The Skit Guys show you an awkward church invite, two awkward brothers dealing with forgiveness, and an awkward situation between two friends. They share a video about changing things that in the world that are stupid, and remind us that love overcomes everything because God first loved us. Make sure to wait until the end to see the awesome outtakes and bloopers!

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