Season 1 Episode 3

Little Billy: My God is So Big

From singing songs backwards, tags sewn in underwear and of course...the "no-no square"; Watch as Little Billy discovers how to sing "My God is so big" and Mr. Drummond discovers how big God really is. A great video to set up a message about God's presence during sickness or trials in our lives.

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Little Billy: Love XOXO
Episode 2
Little Billy: Love XOXO

A simple Sunday school lesson on the different kinds of love doesn’t go so smoothly for substitute teacher Mr. Drummond when he’s challenged on every point by the cantankerous Little Billy.

Little Billy: Zacchaeus
Episode 1
Little Billy: Zacchaeus

In a conversation between Little Billy and his Sunday School teacher, Little Billy swerves from underwear to Zacchaeus to sick trees. And through it all Little Billy learns about God’s crazy love and Grace. And strangers.

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