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Episode 15: Tommy has too much dairy before the shoot which sends them into a catastrophic chain of events including, but not limited to a mysterious sound of someone falling down stairs, Eddie singing his favorite song and the death of animals. J.J. Abrams tries to hire Tommy for his new movie and the intern brings a knife to the set... Like we said, scary...

Daylight Savings Time is a tricky thing so here are 3 tips to follow to avoid the Inability To Spring Forward On The Right Day

Episode 14: Tommy and Eddie discuss how to split time between God & Irish dancing, Eddie gets three new toupees, the show becomes extremely over-produced, and a special guest appearance from the famous rock band KISS!

Episode 13: Tommy and Eddie book a gig in Hawaii, get some advice from Granny on dating, demonstrate the easiest way to ditch your stalker guy, and address the issue of bullying. Did we mention Hawaii?

Episode 12: Tommy and Eddie discuss the existence of ice cream's circa 200 BC, the intern becomes even more cruel (even possible?), Billy Graham says animals can be in heaven and Tommy finds a new best friend.

Episode 11: Tommy and Eddie address whether or not Jesus ate ice cream, their new swedish alias, "The Poop Guys," and how to say no to peer pressure.

Episode 10: Tommy and Eddie confront the imminent zombie apocalypse head on, and also talk about inbreeding and chasing your dreams. Pulling no punches, folks. Pulling no punches.

Episode 9: Cody kicks the intern to the curb and delivers a stunning card hand-off performance that could send Ask Tommy & Eddie into official Emmy Award Nomination. Tommy and Eddie also answer some questions.

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