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Explore this week's Bedtime Bible Stories memory verse, John 16:33, deeper. Use this guide to think about and get creative with this passage of scripture.

This weekend, spend time with your family digging into Psalm 139. Use this guide to help you explore the scripture, get creative, and have fun while learning more about how uniquely and specially God made each of you!

Just because we are taking the night off from Bedtime Bible Stories doesn't mean your family can't have a meaningful interaction with God's Word. Use this guide to dig deeper into John 10 (including this week's memory verse) and see how God uses it to speak to you.

You've seen us talk about how you can personalize the new Online Easter Invite video. Here's the help you're looking for to do it yourself.

Trying to do life, church, and community during the Covid-19 pandemic is a new challenge that we’re all learning to navigate together. As pastors in our own local churches, we understand those challenges you’re facing. Here you'll find updates to our streaming licensing, free resources, and other ways is partnering with churches to shift to online ministry.

We hope you'll take the opportunity to have a fun time with your family while we take a break from Bedtime Bible Stories with The Skit Guys tonight. Below you'll find a "fun-for-everyone" experience that you can use at home. It focuses on the passage where last week's memory verse came from, 1 Chronicles 16: 8-36.

Find a "fun-for-everyone" experience that you can use at home on Saturday night. Whether you're on your own or with others in your home, we think it'll be a great resource to help you focus on prayer.

If you're loving the nightly Bedtime Bible Stories with The Skit Guys, why not try to become part of the show? Record yourself or your family singing or playing our theme song, and we may use it in an upcoming episode!

skitguys video
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