God's Chisel Book

$10 USD

About this book

God views us as being His original masterpiece. We weren’t hastily thrown together... No, God thought about you and still thinks about you—everything in your past, everything in your future, all the baggage and all the beauty. Everything that makes you...well, you.

Get ready to embark on a journey of chiseling out the dead weight in your life. Sometimes it can be painful, sometimes it’ll make you laugh. But through it all, you can rest assured that God is always refining His masterpiece—His poem...His workmanship...You.


I feel set free, as though chains that were holding me back and keeping me from truly worshiping, learning about, and serving God have been removed. I thank God for this book, and to both of you (and everyone involved in helping with this book) for being willing to be used of God in such a MIGHTY way for His glory. You were right that doing the work in the book has made it become a truly cherished book.

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