God's Chisel DVD



On the ordinary days, on the crazy days…every day God is chiseling at the edges of your life to unleash the beauty that’s in you.

The writer of Ephesians says “you are fearfully and wonderfully made,” (Eph. 2:10). Elsewhere we’re described as a “poem.” God views us as being his original masterpiece.

Many of the problems that we’ve encountered in life come from not believing this core truth—that we are God’s handiwork. We’re bombarded by words, thoughts and images that can erode any sense of God’s handiwork that we may have.

Today, let us remind you…You are God’s Handiwork. God loves you. You are God’s poem. Great care has been taken to create you…and all the others around you. As you watch this DVD, allow the truth of God’s thoughts about you to sink deep into your soul. Know that you are loved, feel that warmth soak your soul, and bury it deep in your bones.

What’s on the DVD:
God’s Chisel: Remastered (11 minutes)
God’s Chisel: Orignal Version (9 minutes)
Digital Copy of God’s Chisel: Remastered (MOV & WMV)
Study Guide, Sermon Outline, and Small Group Questions (PDF)
Sermon Slide Artwork

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