Competition Scripts

Looking for a script to perform for a competition piece? We've selected what we feel are our best competition scripts based on length and content. Find the right script for your performance.

What defines us? What determines our worth? Linda has a conversation with her reflection. As her value is challenged, she recognizes her ability to silence lies and embrace the truth.

After surviving a suicide attempt, a girl questions her future and relationship with God. This sketch was used as an intro to Ruth 1 to help the audience identify with Naomi and her feeling that God's hand was against her.

An unloved woman with a messy background who wants nothing more than to find worth is surprised to discover it at her new church.

A woman reflects on her childhood and learning what the true meaning of what a "gift" really is.

It’s so hard to know what’s true and what’s false with today’s media gossip. “Trustworthy” news programs seem to become more and more like gossip magazines. Here’s a look at how it can affect us in our everyday lives.

Two guys spend all their time mocking those around them. One girl gets fed up with it, asking Jesus to deal with the situation. Jesus shows her what it's like when she sees people the way He sees people.

A woman meets Fear and gently clues him in to his inability to affect her in this hilarious glimpse at how Christians should deal with their fears.



Those who are left behind after a suicide face a number of questions. Among those questions will be wondering if they ever told the deceased about the power of Jesus.

Where did all or our time go? Here an actor spends some time trying to figure out where God fits in to her life.

Two-part comedy sketch about a clueless young man (or woman) attempting contact God by phone. Great accompaniment for presentations on prayer or on God's character.

The morning after the ball, Prince Charming is having a romantic crisis and needs his sister's advice. How do you know when you've found the "right" person?

Larry’s an alcoholic… Buzz! An over-eater… Buzz! Okay, he’s a liar. With the help of a heavenly buzzer, Larry tells of a time when God used a Christ follower to really impact his life.