Sheree Mann

Sheree has always loved to write, but stumbled into playwriting rather accidentally when she volunteered to direct her church Christmas Play... and then realized the task included writing the play! After the first successful production, however, she was hooked on the whole experience – writing, acting, and directing!
Sheree is a native Arizonan and has 1 awesome husband and 4 amazing kids. She is passionate about Jesus, her family, music, foster parenting/adoption, missions, and pizza. She loves baking and once accidentally agreed to make nearly 1000 cake pops for a charity event. (She is now seriously considering having the word “yes” surgically removed from her vocabulary.) She is also a homeschool mom, co-founder and Vice-President of GraceWorks Global, and now - writer for! She feels extraordinarily blessed (and way out of her league) to even be listed among the phenomenally talented writers on this page.