Scripts in Category: Bible Characters
John reflects on his time with the Jesus and the day he was called to follow his Messiah.
Centurion Longinus had carried out many executions, but this one in particular was unlike any he had ever experienced.
Jairus, a leader in the synagogue, asked Jesus to heal his young daughter who was dying. By the time Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house, the young girl had died. In this script, that same young girl remembers meeting Jesus after He raised her from the dead.
Joseph tells his seven-year-old son Yeshua (Jesus) that they must kill the lamb that Yeshua has raised for the last year.
A poetic holy week narration from the perspective of the mother who loved him, the disciples who were called by him, the people who put their hope in him, and those who would try to destroy him.
Mary and her father are writing letters to each other, revealing how he doubts the truth behind her pregnancy and the identity of her young son. This script is a blend of reader’s theater and an acted scene.
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, we see a father welcome home his son, who has thrown away his inheritance. In this inspirational retelling of their story, we hear what may have been going on in the minds of the father and the son.
What begins with Boaz showing off his new son to Eli, becomes a trip down memory lane as Ruth and Boaz reflect on the journey that brought them together. Scenes with Ruth and Naomi lead to Ruth discovering Boaz and his kindness, eventually leading the couple to the blessings that God had in store for their lives.
An adoptive mom, her adopted son, and Mary, mother of Jesus, share their experiences as they each discover that God provides, even when it seems impossible. When we feel unequipped for what’s in front of us, God gives us what we need.
In this monologue, Elizabeth recounts unexpected miracles: becoming the mother of John the Baptist; her husband, Zechariah, emerging from the temple mute; her cousin Mary, pregnant as well. She recognizes God’s fulfillment of promises and His redemption of us all.
A skit about God using our weaknesses. Three well-known characters in the Bible are interviewed for the job God has in store for them. Despite their own weaknesses, we know God used them to His own glory, showing how He can use us as well.
Is there a difference between hearing and listening? Tom’s about to find out. Join the VU students as they learn the importance of silencing their voices and listening.
Zeke (aka Isaac) is preparing for a trip to the mountains with his dad, Abe (aka Abraham). Zeke feels uneasy about the trip and talks about it with his friend Gabe.
What would Adam and Eve be like as grandparents? Would they pass on things they have learned from their years on the earth?
A time of worship through a declaration of faith, remembering the power of God. It recalls the story of the 12 spies who went to explore the land of Canaan and the faithful report of Joshua and Caleb, who believed that God would bring them victory.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are faced with losing their lives because of their faith in God.