Scripts in Category: Ensemble
How will it end? Kelly comes home a little more than nervous about what her family’s reaction will be. Will she find grace, or will she find accusation?
Life throws us curve balls – sometimes we pitch them to ourselves, as is seen in the story of Steve who is dealing with becoming an unmarried, teenage father.
It's poetry night at the local coffee house. This skit takes a look at how all of us deal with the pain, insecurity, and hurt of life.
This comedy takes place in the local news station that has lost all of their video clips. This is a guaranteed laugh skit as the audience gets to watch the news crew act out each news story.
Everyone has forgotten their time alone with God. In this skit, we see how much this young teen is missing out on when she forgets about her 'reservation' with God.
God is so big, no one can even begin to fathom His greatness. This skit asks the question "Just how big is God?"
Everyday we are faced with a multitude of choices. This skit shows that there is not an easier way for us to live than to stay true to what God has told us to do.
We've all encountered people who "talk the talk" and don't "walk the walk." The race of life is quite the same. The skit shows the difference between the spectator and the true runner.
This skit is pure fun looking at what could be with the weirdest date on record.
One of the most well-known miracles performed by Jesus was the healing of the blind man in John 9:12. This skit reenacts this miraculous scene in a way that guarantees laughs.
We often try to examine and think of Jesus in our own terms. This skit shows us how profoundly limited our view of Jesus can really be.
There is only one true source of fulfillment for our hearts. The skit searches through many other types of fulfillment in a Monty Pythonesque form.
Set during World War II, this two act play tells the story of a wife hoping her husband can make it home for Christmas Eve.