Scripts in Category: High School

It’s Halloween and some children are gathered to tell ghost stories. When things get a little scary, they are reminded that there is one Spirit that takes away all of our fears.

Actors: 4 Minutes: 4-6 minutes

In a series of four scenes, two actors try to answer the title question, what keeps you from following God? The answers may hit close to home, but the hope is to encourage believers to live more fully in God.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 10-12 minutes

This is a game show that looks at what might happen in the after-life.

Actors: 7 Minutes: 10-12 minutes

This skit shows a nightmare-ish Sunday school under the leadership of a very intimidated substitute teacher. The good news is, the kids have caught more of the Truth than one might think.

Actors: 3 Minutes: 9-10 minutes

This skit shows Jenny telling how she came to find the One who could fill the longings of her soul.

Actors: 6 Minutes: 8-10 minutes

This skit shows how often the consequences of sin stick with us for a long time.

Actors: 3 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

This skit is a composite of silly scenes that illustrate that confession comes in many packages. The thing is, we all need to do it from time to time.

Actors: 3 Minutes: 8-10 minutes

This skit takes a few “What if Jesus came back now?” moments and shows that some of the things we think are important are not always what is eternally important.

Actors: 10 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

This skit shows a teen finding out that God’s not a rule follower, but He does desire obedience.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 5-7 minutes

This skit illustrates that when we do stupid things it would be great to have someone call a do-over for us, however that’s not possible, so we must play on in God’s mercy.

Actors: 11 Minutes: 8-10 minutes

Joe is seeking something to believe in. In his search he comes across a lot of fruitless options, but in the end, the one true God. This skit involves offstage voices. It would be best not to pre-record these.

Actors: 6 Minutes:

The dilemma of a popular young boy to act as Jesus would at “The Dance.”

Actors: 5 Minutes:

Four scenarios are enacted in which people decide they need to Define The Relationship.

Actors: 3 Minutes: 5-7 minutes

Madison, a girl in Jr. High, is having a hard time understanding what makes her special. It’s a good thing she has a friend like Patrick to remind her.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 5-6 minutes

A high school student (boy or girl) has a meeting with his English teacher who is flunking him because he (the student) always has a Christian slant to everything he writes in class. This piece can be used in conjunction with “<a href="">Flunking Life</a>”, a follow-up piece.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-5 minutes

<p>Anna is waiting until later to trust Christ as is faced with the question: Why?</p> <p>Also see "With You Always Part 2".</p>

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4-6 minutes