Scripts in Category: High School

This skit is a human video: action done to music. This skit is set to Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart." This skit shows a person caught in a sea of sin and Christ coming to rescue her. The script comes with the Spanish translation for the cards used in the video. You may also want to use the Glee version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart."

Actors: 4+ Minutes: 5-6 minutes

Romance is all fun and games until… This 3-part skit shows the relationship of Brian and Katie from the beginning to a surprise ending!

Actors: 8 Minutes: 12-14 minutes

After a party, these two girls talk about their desires to be the most beautiful and popular girls in school.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4-6 minutes

In this skit, a girl has a conversation with her best friend that just died. These two friends shared everything in life but the most important thing: saving faith through Jesus Christ.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-5 Minutes

Rule # 27 – If mom and dad are out of the house for the night, don’t bring your date home. This skit offers a hormone’s-eye view of what happens in a relationship when good boundaries are not maintained.

Actors: 8 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

God will use any means necessary to get our attention. In this case it is a little girl standing in line at the grocery store wanting to get her mother’s attention that highlights God’s desire to break in to our busy lives and tell us that He loves us.

Actors: 1 Female Minutes: 4-6 minutes

Life often times breaks our hearts. In this skit, a girl who has had her heart broken many times, decides to trust her heart to Jesus.

Actors: 5 Minutes:

This drama is a modern day prodigal son story that shows: "He who has been forgiven little, loves little; but he who has been forgiven much, loves abundantly."

Actors: 3 Minutes: 5-7 minutes

In this moving monologue, a young man named Dave wrestles with the need to find redemption and to forgive himself.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 5-7 minutes

How do you know you’ve seen too much MTV? When you use band names and song titles to complete your sentences. That’s the dilemma of the person in this skit as they slowly sink into a New York State of Mind, crying, “Won’t you please, please help me? Help me? Help me… Ooooo.”

Actors: 1 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

During this wild talk show, two teens confront each other about an angry past and resolve a deep hurt issue.

Actors: 10 Minutes:

Two brothers struggle to find healing in this skit about forgiveness, friends, and pride.

Actors: 2 Minutes:

Life throws us curve balls – sometimes we pitch them to ourselves, as is seen in the story of Steve who is dealing with becoming an unmarried, teenage father.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 4-6 minutes

It's poetry night at the local coffee house. This skit takes a look at how all of us deal with the pain, insecurity, and hurt of life.

Actors: 6 Minutes:

This comedy takes place in the local news station that has lost all of their video clips. This is a guaranteed laugh skit as the audience gets to watch the news crew act out each news story.

Actors: 7 Minutes: 4-6 minutes

Larry’s an alcoholic… Buzz! An over-eater… Buzz! Okay, he’s a liar. With the help of a heavenly buzzer, Larry tells of a time when God used a Christ follower to really impact his life.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 5-6 minutes