Christian Scripts and Church Dramas

The Skit Guys have been busy writing and collecting scripts for over 10 years. We have a wide range of church dramas and skits that can be performed for almost any occasion. Our Christian scripts are biblically based and can be used not only in churches, but most school drama competitions as well.

All of our scripts are downloadable, which means we do not actually ship anything. As soon as you find your script and checkout, you can download immediately and start practicing your skit or play.

Set in a fast-food restaurant, a series of customers place orders that remind audiences that there is only one Jesus, and we don’t get to decide what parts of Him we want or don’t want.

Actors: 7 Minutes: 5

In this quick, yet poignant script, Mom and Dad read the latest headlines and discuss Psalm 46, taking comfort in the fact that God will eventually silence the chaos of this earth.

Actors: 4 Minutes: 4

In this monologue, Alyssa wrestles with how she really feels about Valentine’s Day, and ultimately finds herself being honest with God about her feelings.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 4

A show called The Crazy Truth is the setting in this interactive skit, where Professor Imani and his sidekick, Zaney, teach audiences about the first miracle Jesus performed—turning water into wine—despite the meddlings of Dr. Doubt. Note: This is Day 1, if you are using The Crazy Truth series.

Actors: 8 Minutes: 8

In this interactive skit, a show called The Crazy Truth is the setting where Professor Imani and his sidekick, Zaney, teach audiences (despite the meddling of Dr. Doubt) about the miracle Jesus performed when he healed the Roman captain’s servant. Note: This is Day 2, if you are using The Crazy Truth series.

Actors: 8 Minutes: 8

A show called The Crazy Truth is the setting in this interactive skit, where Professor Imani and his sidekick, Zaney, teach audiences (despite the meddlings of Dr. Doubt) about Peter’s faith when he walked on the water with Jesus. Note: This is Day 3, if you are using The Crazy Truth series.

Actors: 8 Minutes: 8

A show called The Crazy Truth is the setting in this interactive skit, where Professor Imani and his sidekick, Zaney teach audiences (despite the meddlings of Dr. Doubt) the story of Jesus’ birth and how God uses little things to make a big difference in the world. Note: This is Day 6, if using in The Crazy Truth series.

Actors: 8 Minutes: 8

A show called The Crazy Truth is the setting in this interactive skit, where Professor Imani and his sidekick, Zaney, use their “celebration machine” to help audiences understand why we celebrate what Jesus did on the cross. Note: This is Day 5, if you are using The Crazy Truth series.

Actors: 8 Minutes: 8

A show called The Crazy Truth is the setting in this interactive skit, where Professor Imani and his sidekick, Zaney, teach audiences about the miracles Jesus' performed.

Actors: 9 Minutes: 8

Lefty and Righty are two feet trying to follow Jesus in this script. Despite not knowing what they’re walking into, they decide to obey His call and go where He is leading.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3

In a series of mini-monologues, several characters wrestle with their current situations before ultimately surrendering to God’s will. The scene ends with Jesus in the garden before His arrest, when He surrenders His will to God’s.

Actors: 4-9 Minutes: 4-6

Valentine's Day is about chocolate, flowers, and letting that special someone know just how much you care. But love adds up to so much more!

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3

A bundled version of the "A Snapshot from Good Friday" script series. Includes 6 scripts, featuring the perspectives of Peter, John, Mary the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of the Good Criminal, the Daughter of Jarius, and the Centurion.

Actors: 6 Minutes: 4+

Peter wrestles with his betrayal of Jesus. He knows that Jesus will forgive him, but can he forgive himself?

Actors: 1 Minutes: 4

John reflects on his time with the Jesus and the day he was called to follow his Messiah.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 4