Christian Scripts and Church Dramas
The Skit Guys have been busy writing and collecting scripts for over 10 years. We have a wide range of church dramas and skits that can be performed for almost any occasion. Our Christian scripts are biblically based and can be used not only in churches, but most school drama competitions as well.
All of our scripts are downloadable, which means we do not actually ship anything. As soon as you find your script and checkout, you can download immediately and start practicing your skit or play.
When we give our lives to Christ, we don't sign up for "easy." God's plan is for us to experience trials to strengthen our faith. In this skit, God shows a questioning believer that His recipe for his/her life will create something beautiful.
This extremely loose paraphrase of the Book of Exodus - in the style of Dr.Seuss! - focuses on God's provision for His people. Despite its satirical tone, it ends with a wise and thoughtful conclusion. Wildly successful in its premiere performance, it plays like a Pixar movie - kids respond on one level, grown-ups another. Includes optional PowerPoint images.
A comedic introduction to Saul's transformation by Jesus on the road to Damascus.
The church is what we build it to be. We are the church. In this script, three actors address the audience directly, first with questions, then with answers. It is an anthem, a call to arms, a manifesto.
Gary and Grady explain why we celebrate Valentine's Day. Here's a hint: It's not for the candy.
Cliff and Em begin their journey into marriage full of love and romantic dreams, but also aware that things won't always be easy. Many years later, they find their fears coming true and struggle just to hold things together. Can they find the "glue"?
A dramatic retelling of the Parable of the Sower as seen through the eyes of four different individuals "trapped" in a death camp.
Two sisters, Carol and Meg, have an urgent meeting at a coffee shop. Meg is desperate to talk to Carol, who is a lawyer, about her (Meg's) daughter who is severly anorexic. In the course of the conversation, it become obvious that Meg is starving herself as well, spiritually.
Love means more than romantic love. Not everyone gives and receives love and appreciation the same way.
Those who are left behind after a suicide face a number of questions. Among those questions will be wondering if they ever told the deceased about the power of Jesus.
Everyone is gifted with something that God expects us to use for His glory, and everyone is needed in their capacity. There is no such thing as an extra member of the church, an unneeded part of the team, or a superfluous part of the body.
A new year brings thoughts of fresh starts and renewing commitments. This Responsive Reading is perfect for incorporating into your worship service to encourage your church to renew their lives from the inside out.
A young New Year's Resolution name "Surrender My Life to Christ" interacts with a number of other New Year's resolutions, all of whom are trying to help her become more "acceptable" and "attractive" to the world.
The Mother of Mary, Jesus' Grandmother, shares her story of the events leading up to the moment when she finally got to hold her grandson.
Celebrate our Savior's birth in your worship service with this responsive reading, and remember all that God has done for us through His Son Jesus!
A person questions Jesus about why He's not doing anything miraculous these days. Jesus insists that He is, which is made clear by a series of events that happen onstage. The person still doesn't believe, and Jesus points out how his lack of faith affects how he sees Jesus working.