Scripts in Category: Duets
Wouldn't it be great if God would just physically appear before us and sit and talk face to face? Since He doesn't, people have managed to come up with a few different ways to express themselves to God so that they think they are impressing Him when all He really wants is for us to be real and honest and still.
From singing songs backwards, tags sewn in underwear and of course...the "no-no square"; Watch as Little Billy discovers how to sing "My God is so big" and Mr. Drummond discovers how big God really is. This is a great skit to set up a message about God's presence during sickness or trials in our lives.
In a conversation between Little Billy and his Sunday School teacher, Little Billy swerves from underwear to Zacchaeus to sick trees. And through it all Little Billy learns about God's crazy love and grace.
Patience is a virtue which is tested each and every day. This skit takes a comical look at how quickly we can lose our cool over things as trivial as a self-checkout kiosk.
Bryan's heart has just been worked on by God, and Bryan is so relieved that he's finally "fixed" and will never have to go through any heartbreak again. But after talking it over with God, he learns that through the hurt and heartbreak, God is continuing to "make" him.
Grady has a great illustration for why we should be grateful no matter what.
This skit poses the simply question, "Would you rather give up prayer for a year, or give up TV for a year?"
Celia and Brad discover that reading stories from the Bible can be as juicy and scandalous as watching an episode of CSI.
Let's be honest. Sometimes we lose sight of the wonder of what God did for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. But there's nothing mundane about it. In this skit, two friends happen upon each other. One friend is able to share the basics of the mind-blowing gospel in a way that makes the other hungry to know more. Could be a great way to lead into worship or preaching.
Gary and Grady attempt to explain the purpose behind Mother's Day and remind us that moms are so much more than just good cooks and cleaners.
God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Yet, so often we try to blaze our own trail, rather than trusting in the one God has designed for us to follow.
Two friends reflect on the significance of what washing each other's feet really means.
Gary and Grady explain that Easter is more about remembering Christ and His sacrifice and less about pretty dresses and chocolate eggs.
A narrative about the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Two narrators describe the same events in very different ways.
A Narrative of the man who betrayed Jesus and the surrounding events.
Two friends discuss the idea of bearing the weight of burdens and how ultimately Christ is the only one who can truly bear their weight.