Scripts in Category: Duets

When we give our lives to Christ, we don't sign up for "easy." God's plan is for us to experience trials to strengthen our faith. In this skit, God shows a questioning believer that His recipe for his/her life will create something beautiful.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4-6 minutes

Gary and Grady explain why we celebrate Valentine's Day. Here's a hint: It's not for the candy.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 2-4 minutes

Cliff and Em begin their journey into marriage full of love and romantic dreams, but also aware that things won't always be easy. Many years later, they find their fears coming true and struggle just to hold things together. Can they find the "glue"?

Actors: 2 Minutes: 10-15 minutes

Two sisters, Carol and Meg, have an urgent meeting at a coffee shop. Meg is desperate to talk to Carol, who is a lawyer, about her (Meg's) daughter who is severly anorexic. In the course of the conversation, it become obvious that Meg is starving herself as well, spiritually.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

Love means more than romantic love. Not everyone gives and receives love and appreciation the same way.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4-6 minutes

Those who are left behind after a suicide face a number of questions. Among those questions will be wondering if they ever told the deceased about the power of Jesus.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 2-4 minutes

Gary and Grady explain what Christmas is all about in this fun comedy duo script perfect for your Christmas Eve service.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 5-7 minutes

In Bethlehem on the eve of Jesus' birth, we meet a man whose heart has "no room" and a woman who is ready to make room, no matter what it takes. With God all things are possible, even the inconvenient!

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-5 minutes

Elizabeth and Zacharias, the parents of John the Baptist, speak of their joy, and of giving back to God what He has given to them.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-5 minutes

Gabriel is just back from announcing to Mary that she will bear the Son of God and after debriefing with another angel, it's clear that Mary's faith is truly strong.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4-6 minutes

This is a sobering visual at how we try and fill up our lives with things that will never really quench our thirst.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

In this Alice in Wonderland/Matrix mash-up, Alice is given a choice to leave her old life behind and experience true freedom in Christ, or keep living her old life and never understand God's peace.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4-6 minutes

Gary and Grady take a few minutes to explain why we observe Thanksgiving.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 2-4

Two women commiserate during church worship service about how busy the holiday season can be with all the preparations and festivities and they find themselves wondering, "What's the point?"

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-5 minutes

When we stop and focus on what we are truly thankful for, we can find joy...even in the midst of a stressful, busy life.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4-6 minutes

The enemy is constantly trying to convince us that this world is all about us. Yet, the Gospel clearly indicates that it's not about us at all, it's all about God.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 6-7 minutes