Scripts in Category: Duets

Angel, an aspiring actress, is ready to audition for the role of her life. But when she realizes that she is responsible for delivering the greatest message in history, she wonders if she's up for the task.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 7-8 minutes

A husband and wife struggle with a basic of marriage - getting to sleep at night. He snores, she can't sleep. But the wife refuses to sleep separately. She's afraid that doing so could cause their marriage to fade away.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

John is taking Stephen to church for the first time to hear a sermon about God's grace. But on the way to church, John makes a very poor example of the message he's excited for his friend to hear.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

If you've ever struggled with trusting Jesus, this is for you. Learn how human nature often keeps us from the very thing that will help us trust Him more.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 2-4 minutes

Why do we carry so many burdens when we're meant to live in freedom? Check this out to find out what Jesus thinks about all our trash.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-5 minutes

The name of God is tossed around so loosely these days, it's hard to know whether He's truly respected. If you've ever wondered about the holiness of His name, take a look at this.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 1-2 minutes

A married couple humorously share the frustrations of marriage, while reminding the audience that marriage is holy and worth fighting for.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 5-7 minutes

Emma needs to talk to her Dad about a sensitive topic but she doesn't know how and he doesn't make it easy.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-5 minutes

A son remembers his grandfather who served in the military and father who gave his life for his country and realizes how truly blessed he is.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-4 minutes

A look at what would happen if two famous whale bait happened to be swallowed by the same whale.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

Josh is a new Christian and really excited about following Jesus. But when he begins his walk, he comes up against dozens of reasons why he should think twice about following Jesus.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 6-8 minutes

Wyatt and Elroy make an ill-fated trip to Saskatchewan to demonstrate the importance of being connected to a small group. This is a great set-up for promoting small groups!

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-4 minutes

Ben wants his young son to be great at everything, but is forced to face some truths when he gets sage advice from Jack, a dad who's been down that road with his own son.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 8-10 minutes

A Christian tries to dial up God, and gets His voice mail instead. This is a short script and so we show the script in it entirety in the preview. If you plan on uses the script, please purchase the un-watermarked version before doing so.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 1

What is Palm Sunday? This script explains the history and significance of Palm Sunday in a funny way. Get your church prepared to celebrate Holy Week! This is the script from The Skit Guys popular video 'Palm Sunday.'

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4 minutes

If there was a machine that could give you anything you wanted, what would you ask for?

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3-5 minutes