Scripts in Category: Ensemble
A well off businessman learns the true meaning of Christmas from an unlikely source.
Sam reminds his family to slow down and remember the true meaning of Christmas through the reading of the Christmas Story.
A young child approaches his teacher wanting to accept Christ. At first the teacher is less than helpful, but on a second try is able to lead him to Christ.
Two friends meet for lunch and end up learning about salvation.
A Father's Day drama for our one and only, our Dads. This can be done as a Reader's Theatre with music stands in front of each actor, or it can be memorized.
A father marvels at how fast his daughter has grown up as she prepares to graduate from High School.
Over a birthday dinner at a restaurant, a well-meaning wife gives her husband the unexpected gift of a session with communication counselors.
As he graduates from high school, Ben wonders if he will become yet another person who graduates from his faith as well. But the “cloud of witnesses” who have poured into him throughout the years is there to remind him that he doesn’t have to be just another statistic.
Dad and the kids want to surprise Mom on Mother's Day with flowers, a gift and a card. But when she comes home, she goes straight to bed, calling for tissues and medicine. Mom is sick! This never happens! What will they do without her?
We use our hands for many things, some of which God never intended, yet He still sent His son to provide a way for us to join Him forever. In this dramatic series of monologues, seven people examine the work of their hands and realize they need a change.
Prayer is us communicating with God, but as Christians we oftentimes treat prayer as something to be checked off a list. We miss the part where we are building our relationship with the Creator of the universe.
A family prepares to meet an honored guest: the young soldier whose life was spared thanks to the sacrifice of their son. When the young man and the family meet, the family is met with the disappointment and awareness of the contrast between his life and the life of his substitute. Parallels a holy God's sacrifice for an unworthy people.
A group of men gather to discuss their lack of romantic inclinations, when a more evolved member of the group reveals that the secret to romance is simply being there for your wife.
It's his way vs. her way in the 11th annual Valentine's Day gone wrong for the Johnsons.
King Herod knew the birth of another king, Jesus, would mean his life would have to change. Do we recognize the same thing and that there cannot be two kings?
It's that time of year again! A time of celebration, a time of giving...a time for practicing your best moves to knock over that lady who wants the same bunny slippers you do for Christmas! This is a fun look at how we often take our Christmas shopping a little over the top.