Scripts in Category: Ensemble
This Readers Theatre expresses gratitude for the freedoms and prosperity we enjoy as a nation, but more importantly for the freedom and mercy granted to us by a loving Savior.
As a dad and his young daughter go on their very first "date," he realizes that this is the perfect opportunity to say what she needs to hear - how much he loves her.
We all have different ways to worship, and we all sometimes judge the way others worship. What does worship mean to you?
Fasting can be one of those elusive and mysterious disciplines of the Christian faith. Here are a few people who can't seem to get it right.
At the center of our faith is a book that tells the story of God and his activity in the lives of men and women throughout history-yet everyone seems to have their own unique perspective on it.
Worship the risen Savior through scripture this Easter with "He Is Alive: A Responsive Reading" by Eddie James! This script is perfect for those of us who want to be creative in our Easter service but don't have a lot of time.
The mob hurls insults and watches on as Jesus is crucified.
People have different views on tithing, but when it comes down to it, the Bible is pretty clear on what’s expected.
It’s two days after the resurrection of Jesus and the disciples are a little on edge about what will happen next. As they hide away and lay low until things calm down, they reminisce about their time with Jesus. Narrated from the perspective of a young girl, this simple play is a “what if” about the events after Jesus death on the cross. Hear “eyewitness testimonies” from some really fun characters.
This script is a Reader’s Theatre that tells the truth about love. This skit can easily be performed memorized or not (use black music stands and have the actors read the script during performance). No blocking is necessary.
A girl is desperately trying to know what God’s will for her life is, so she tries different ways to find answers. As she is narrating her own life she “walks” through all of these experiences. The other two add to the scene as different characters or inanimate objects (i.e. the bush).
Set in a coffee shop, modern day characters from the Christmas story come to life as they celebrate Christmas and realize there's more to our Christian lives than just living between the giants of Christmas and Easter.
This is a responsive reading for a Thanksgiving service filled with Scripture about praising God for his many blessings.
This is a Reader’s Theatre based on the video “Cards You’ve Been Dealt”. We’ve all been given painful situations in our lives, but how will you respond to the hand you’ve been given?
Three very different sisters and their families spend Christmas (or Thanksgiving) together, personalities clash, and some things never change.
A student faces hard choices with friends she encounters throughout her day. Will she choose to follow Christ’s example?