Christian Scripts and Church Dramas
The Skit Guys have been busy writing and collecting scripts for over 10 years. We have a wide range of church dramas and skits that can be performed for almost any occasion. Our Christian scripts are biblically based and can be used not only in churches, but most school drama competitions as well.
All of our scripts are downloadable, which means we do not actually ship anything. As soon as you find your script and checkout, you can download immediately and start practicing your skit or play.
It’s easy to get caught up in worrying about whether everything we work toward will turn out the way we want, but this light-hearted script reminds us that ultimately, God is the one responsible for the results.
Abby gets her learner’s permit and is looking for driving tips and support, however, her friends disagree on what a license to drive really means.
Based on a true story, this powerful and easy to stage Reader’s Theater chronicles a couples’ emotional highs and lows in adopting a daughter, the unexpected turn of events, and the arrival of God at just the right time.
Abby and John are celebrating Abby’s favorite Christmas traditions. However, it becomes clear that Abby is caught up in reliving memories rather than celebrating the hope she has in Christ. John reminds her that despite loss and change, Christmas hope is always the same.
The Journey to Bethlehem is a fun and interactive progressive play designed to tell the story of the birth of Jesus. Your audience will witness the people that God chose to be a part of the most important event in the history of ever! This is a progressive play (the audience moves from one station to the next) but the scripts can be used separately from the whole series. Included with this script purchase is six scripts, a programming guide and graphics.
You’ve probably seen a painting of a shepherd with a herd of sheep. It’s quiet, it’s peaceful, but have you ever tried herding sheep? It’s anything but peaceful! They’re not too bright and they’re stubborn. Sounds a lot like humans, doesn’t it? But thankfully, God sent us a Good Shepherd. This is one of five scripts included in The Wonder of Christmas: A Teaching, Social Media, and Outreach Bundle. Three versions of the script are including with this script purchase - a kids version, a readers theatre version and the original version.
God likes to hint at big things; there were nearly 300 Old Testament prophecies about Jesus. These signs offered hope while the world waited for a Savior. The hope was the gift of His Son, the Messiah. In sending Jesus, God packed up the greatest gift the world had ever seen, and His hope is still available to all. This is one of five scripts included in The Wonder of Christmas: A Teaching, Social Media, and Outreach Bundle. Three versions of the script are including with this script purchase - a kids version, a readers theatre version and the original version.
It’s such an adventure watching a show in a planetarium, and at the same time, it can make us feel small and insignificant. The wise men got an extraordinary light show, even though it was only one star. The star beckoned them to follow, and they went to worship the new King where they found joy personified. We all have our own journeys, and the ultimate destination is Jesus. This is one of five scripts included in The Wonder of Christmas: A Teaching, Social Media, and Outreach Bundle. Three versions of the script are including with this script purchase - a kids version, a readers theatre version and the original version.
Why would God send His Son to be born in a messy barn? It certainly was no place for a king, but Jesus was no ordinary king. This video explores the story of our Savior’s birth and exhorts us to live like Jesus. It reminds us that He came to such a messy place because He was coming to save messy people. This is one of five scripts included in The Wonder of Christmas: A Teaching, Social Media, and Outreach Bundle. Three versions of the script are including with this script purchase - a kids version, a readers theatre version and the original version.
Picturing Mary’s reaction to her supernatural pregnancy, it’s hard to imagine how she’d handle it. What would she tell her parents? How would she feel? The angel told Mary not to be afraid. She dared to trust God as He arrived as a baby and eventually died as a criminal, but nothing would prepare her to understand how God’s love would impact her life and the world. This is one of five scripts included in The Wonder of Christmas: A Teaching, Social Media, and Outreach Bundle. Three versions of the script are including with this script purchase - a kids version, a readers theatre version and the original version.
A monologue reflecting on the wonder that God’s only Son left the beauty and splendor of Heaven, humbled himself, and came into this world as a helpless child just so He could offer us salvation.
A retelling of the birth of Jesus from the perspective of a few jaded barnyard animals who recognize that the stable where they live many ordinary days turns out to be a pretty extraordinary place. A reminder that the grass is not always greener, and God will meet us, and provide for us, in extraordinary ways where we are just as we are. Scripts for a big cast and a small cast are included with this purchase. The small cast script has 11 or more characters. The big cast script has 21 or more characters.
Jesus fulfilled prophecy after prophecy, but he didn’t come to earth to just check off a list of predicted events. The Gospel Writer Matthew reveals that Jesus came to fulfill the greatest cry of our hearts by restoring us to God. Part of the A Very Matthew Christmas series, letters addressed to the modern-day church from the Gospel writer, this script will bring fresh perspective just in time for Christmas, and prepare your church for Advent.
Not many people in Jesus’ day realized that the fulfillment of God’s promised redemption had arrived, even as Jesus looked them right in the eyes. After thousands of years of waiting, the way God chose to redeem his people was a surprise. Part of the A Very Matthew Christmas series, letters addressed to the modern-day church from the Gospel writer, this script will bring fresh perspective just in time for Christmas and prepare your church for Advent.
The A Very Matthew Christmas Series Bundle includes the following five scripts: "A Very Matthew Christmas: Finding Fulfillment" "A Very Matthew Christmas: Let Christ's Advent Disrupt You" "A Very Matthew Christmas: The Gospel of Surprise" "A Very Matthew Christmas: The Risk of Jesus Advent" "A Very Matthew Christmas: The Thunderous Voice of Love" Through letters addressed to the modern-day church from the Gospel writer, this script series will bring fresh perspective just in time for Christmas, and prepare your church for Advent.
Does your heart ever skip a beat when you think about the risk God made to place the gospel into human hands? The Gospel Writer Matthew shares about the hope that’s at stake as God asks imperfect humans to tell the most important story in the world. Part of the A Very Matthew Christmas series, letters addressed to the modern-day church from the Gospel writer, this script will bring fresh perspective just in time for Christmas and prepare your church for Advent.