Christian Scripts and Church Dramas
The Skit Guys have been busy writing and collecting scripts for over 10 years. We have a wide range of church dramas and skits that can be performed for almost any occasion. Our Christian scripts are biblically based and can be used not only in churches, but most school drama competitions as well.
All of our scripts are downloadable, which means we do not actually ship anything. As soon as you find your script and checkout, you can download immediately and start practicing your skit or play.
Lisa is certain her husband Ed has finally cracked when she walks into the living room to find him spontaneously dancing when he was supposed to be preparing a Christmas sermon. Together, they discover that at the root of his awkward dance moves is the desire to share the miracle of Christmas.
Too often at Christmastime, we focus on the celebration with our families and lose sight of the reason for Jesus' birth, and what His life and sacrifice means for how we live our lives. This fun and heartwarming skit shows how a mom and dad's efforts to teach their kids about being the hands and feet of Jesus turns into a lesson the kids teach their parents.
This is meant to take place during the confession and absolution liturgy, challenging people to really think about their words and actual meaning.
The Voices of Advent Series Script Bundle includes all 5 scripts from the Voices of Advent Series: Voices of Advent: The Man Who Overcame the Wind Voices of Advent: The Man Who Slipped Through the Roof Voices of Advent: The Woman with the Issue of Blood Voices of Advent: The Woman Who Washed His Feet with Tears Voices of Advent: The Woman Who Carried God in Her Womb These modern-day monologues can be performed or read in-person or online. The scripts in the Voices of Advent series will help your congregation reimagine a famous passages of the Bible and experience the miracle of Christmas with renewed wonder.
For the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, the advent of Jesus not only removed her stigma as a woman lost to sin, but set her free! This modern-day monologue can be performed or read in-person or online. Part of the Voices of Advent series, the script will help your congregation reimagine a famous passage of the Bible and experience the miracle of Christmas with renewed wonder.
For the paralytic who was healed by Jesus after his friends lowered him through the roof, he needed more than a touch to his body, he needed an encounter with God himself. This modern-day monologue can be performed or read in-person or online. Part of the Voices of Advent series, the script will help your congregation reimagine a famous passage of the Bible and experience the miracle of Christmas with renewed wonder.
For the woman with the issue of blood, the advent of Jesus transformed her life of loneliness and shame into a life with living hope. This modern-day monologue can be performed or read in-person or online. Part of the Voices of Advent series, the script will help your congregation reimagine a famous passage of the Bible and experience the miracle of Christmas with renewed wonder.
For the man of Gennesaret, the advent of Jesus transformed the howling torment of his life into wholeness and peace. This modern-day monologue can be performed or read in-person or online. Part of the Voices of Advent series, the script will help your congregation reimagine a famous passage of the Bible and experience the miracle of Christmas with renewed wonder.
In this skit, a principal makes several mistakes during the morning announcements, reminding us that we all make mistakes and can lean on God for wisdom.
This is a script series bundle that includes the following 4 scripts: "The New ADVENTure: Hope and Waiting" "The New ADVENTure: Peace" "The New ADVENTure: Joy" "The New ADVENTure: Love"
This modern-day, funny Advent skit features Moses, Obadiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel who are trying to understand what the prophecy from Isaiah 9:6-7 means for the future. This is the 2nd of 4 scripts in the New ADVENTure series.
This humorous, modern-day Advent skit features Moses, Obadiah, Isaiah, Zechariah, and Malachi. They are ecstatic about the prophecies from Micah 5:2 and Isaiah 7:14, and can't wait for the arrival of God's Son. This is the 4th of 4 skits in the New ADVENTure series.
In this modern-day, funny Advent skit, Moses, Obadiah, Malachi, and Jeremiah gather to discuss the "something new" that is prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31. This is the 1st of 4 scripts in the New ADVENTure series.
In this modern-day, funny Advent skit, Moses, Obadiah, Isaiah, and Zechariah are excited about the impending era of peace they believe is coming as they look at the prophecies in Isaiah 61:1-7 and Zechariah 9:9-12. This is the 3rd of 4 scripts in the New ADVENTure series.
This heart-touching monologue highlights the wonder of God shining His glory on shepherds—the outcasts of society.
Too often we get caught up in the busyness and consumerism surrounding the Christmas season instead of focusing on Christ and the precious gift He is to us. The result is a lack of peace and purpose. This skit reminds us to stop, pay attention, and enjoy the presence of Jesus and what His coming means for us.