Christian Scripts and Church Dramas
The Skit Guys have been busy writing and collecting scripts for over 10 years. We have a wide range of church dramas and skits that can be performed for almost any occasion. Our Christian scripts are biblically based and can be used not only in churches, but most school drama competitions as well.
All of our scripts are downloadable, which means we do not actually ship anything. As soon as you find your script and checkout, you can download immediately and start practicing your skit or play.
In this puppet play featuring four siblings, Stevie learns a lesson about the need for constant forgiveness.
Janine is shaken after receiving bad news from her doctor. Her life-long friend Brynn reminds her that, despite the present circumstances, Janine stands on a legacy of faith in Christ, her rock. A timely reminder of God's presence and faithfulness, no matter the circumstances we face.
In this duet, Mary and Martha sit down to share their story with the audience. It's a story they've shared before, but this time it doesn't go as scripted.
This Readers Theater presents a light-hearted look at Moses immediately after he encounters God in the burning bush.
This play is a hilarious look at how people confuse characters in the Bible, notably Moses and Noah, and can be performed live or filmed and presented.
This humorous monologue looks at marriage from an unexpected point of view.
This monologue shows us the innermost thoughts of Herod Antipas, who, having just met with an imprisoned Jesus and sent him back to his trial in front of Pontius Pilate, reflects on the impact Jesus has had on his life over the last thirty-three years, from the day Jesus was born under the bright star, until this last meeting in his palace before Jesus’ death.
In this monologue (that involves a few audience members to shout lines out), we see Peter distraught and ashamed because he denied that he knew Jesus, but he finds forgiveness at the foot of the cross.
In this short duet, we hear Philip and John recount the teachings Jesus gave from the Mount of Olives during Holy Week.
This monologue looks at the resurrection of Jesus through the eyes of one of the Roman soldiers who participated in his beating and crucifixion and was ultimately placed as a guard at His tomb.
Even as we celebrate Easter, we often feel the weight of the world’s brokenness and our own struggles and lose sight of the fact that the victory has already been won. This call to worship invites the congregation to focus on the hope and the power of the resurrection of Christ.
This realistic, slice-of-life scene presents a family addressing the peace of forgiveness and the pain that comes with holding grudges.
This Reader's Theater focuses on the story of the widow had only a jar of olive oil to save her sons from slavery, and the miraculous way the jar overflowed to help pay her debt. It reminds us that when we have faith, God can use what little we have to transform lives.
In this comedic play, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John take turns telling the story of Jesus, from His genealogy, through His ministry and His resurrection.
What’s heavy, ugly, hairy, loud, and persistent? African Wildebeests, and often - life! This New Year’s script helps us remember that no matter how heavy and ugly life might be, God is working in and through us to make us more like Jesus.
The McCreadys’ use the candy cane to teach a lesson about Jesus.