Christian Scripts and Church Dramas

The Skit Guys have been busy writing and collecting scripts for over 10 years. We have a wide range of church dramas and skits that can be performed for almost any occasion. Our Christian scripts are biblically based and can be used not only in churches, but most school drama competitions as well.

All of our scripts are downloadable, which means we do not actually ship anything. As soon as you find your script and checkout, you can download immediately and start practicing your skit or play.

We are all in pursuit of grace, love, joy, peace, and hope, but these qualities can be elusive in a broken world. This skit introduces love as an attribute of Jesus and offers it to a weary world.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 2

We are all in pursuit of grace, love, joy, peace, and hope, but these qualities can be elusive in a broken world. This series of five skits introduces grace, love, joy, peace, and hope as attributes of Jesus and offer them to a weary world. The following scripts are included with this series: “Have We Met?” Grace, “Have We Met?” Love, “Have We Met?” Joy, “Have We Met?” Peace, and “Have We Met?” Hope.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 15

he American flag has withstood more than 200 years of history, its colors synonymous with freedom. This short monologue brings the flag to life, demonstrating its significance, inspiring gratitude, and honoring the many Americans who have fought to preserve this symbol of liberty and justice for all.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 2

When an angel visits Jack to encourage him to trust God and not worry, Jack rediscovers the fact that God knows everything about him and is always there for him.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4

This monologue is a reminder of the danger of workaholism and the erosion that occurs in our souls when work it takes over our lives and we become more like machines than humans.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 5

This monologue presents an honest conversation between one person and God about trust and diving deeper into relationship with Him.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 4

In this duet, Mary has a video call with her father while her baby, Jesus, sleeps. Despite him feeling like she has disgraced the family name, Mary is able to convince her dad that Jesus is the Messiah.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 7

This Reader’s Theatre duet portrays freedom as a gift to the American people, given sacrificially by brave men and women throughout our country's history.

Actors: 4 Minutes: 3

A few of the recently departed try unsuccessfully to get past the bouncers at the pearly gates.

Actors: 5 Minutes: 4

A group of shepherds who witnessed the angel’s announcement of Christ’s birth are offered counseling after supposedly being traumatized by the whole event.

Actors: 5 Minutes: 5

A parent and older child/teen discuss the national anthem and what it means when it says, “one nation under God” while preparing for their Independence Day celebration.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4

A teen girl perfects her talent for the upcoming “Miss Liberty” pageant while teaching her friend/relative a little something about freedom.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3

As a bride and groom recite their wedding vows, a husband and wife humorously portray how difficult those vows actually are to keep.

Actors: 5 Minutes: 8

Two dads attend their child’s “Donuts with Dad” day at school. While one struggles with the weight of his new job, the other helps him see how God can take the heavy crown of burden off his head…and replace it with a fairy princess crown instead.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4

In this humorous script, Bruce explains to his friends what church is. But as it turns out, they “get it” better than he expected.

Actors: 4 Minutes: 8

Inspired by Matthew 5:14-16, one character has a lit candle but refuses to share his light with anyone else, choosing to hide it under a bowl.

Actors: 4 Minutes: 4