Christian Scripts and Church Dramas

The Skit Guys have been busy writing and collecting scripts for over 10 years. We have a wide range of church dramas and skits that can be performed for almost any occasion. Our Christian scripts are biblically based and can be used not only in churches, but most school drama competitions as well.

All of our scripts are downloadable, which means we do not actually ship anything. As soon as you find your script and checkout, you can download immediately and start practicing your skit or play.

What does Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection mean for us today? This Easter anthem video calls each of us to live out the Great Commission, opening our eyes to what that looks like tangibly in our world. Ideal for use on Easter Sunday or the week after Easter.

Actors: 4 Minutes: 2

Peter goes back to the place where Jesus was arrested, sharing the story all that happened that night. He remembers how Jesus was always cleaning up other people’s messes. His great joy is revealed when He shares about Jesus rising from the dead, explaining that what Jesus did on the cross takes our sin and turns it upside down. Jesus beat death. He lives!

Actors: 1 Minutes: 4

Grandpa offers some unsolicited advice to his granddaughter before her first job interview and she finally realizes that taking his advice might actually be a good idea.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 5

A newly married woman recounts her first Easter with her in-laws and their different and unexpected menu, drawing parallels to the fact that the first Easter was also unexpected.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 2

After reading to his/her daughter at bedtime, a parent compares hero stories to that of Jesus, proclaiming Him the ultimate hero.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 4

A woman recounts the joys of dying Easter eggs as a child, and also a sobering lesson about our sin-stained lives and how only through Jesus’ blood can we be washed clean.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 5

With the encouragement of his young child, a parent is filled with the desire to dance as an expression of joy and trust at Easter and all through the year.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 3

In this monologue, an adult woman remembers an Easter in her childhood where her love for wearing quirky hats showed her a picture of the amazing love of Jesus.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 2

The woman who poured her expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet, washing them with her hair and tears, shares the story of Jesus that she witnessed. Remembering how he invited women, along with the men, to hear His teachings about God’s Kingdom, she rejoices in the fact that He is the Messiah and was worthy of being anointed. Perfect for use on Palm Sunday.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 3

Jesus told Judas that His time had not yet come. Judas, impatient, though believing that Jesus was the One to turn everything upside down, made a move that forced Jesus’ hand — that made His time come. As he recounts stories of his time with Jesus, and his betrayal, Judas comes to realize the gravity of what he had done. This captivating monologue is ideal to set up your Good Friday service.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 4

As we imagine what the preparation for the Last Supper may have been like, we hear Mara share her story, revealing what she witnessed from outside the room where Jesus and the disciples gathered. She expresses her shock at Jesus washing the feet of the other men, and her amazement at Jesus’ words. She realizes that Jesus — the living bread — was about to turn the world upside down. Use at any point during your Easter series, or as part of a Maundy Thursday service.

Actors: 1 Minutes: 4

When Pharaoh orders all baby boys to be killed, a young mother, Jochebed, and her daughter, Miriam, vow to save their baby boy. Tearfully, they place him in a basket in the Nile River. But God had plans for this small child and guides him into the arms of the Pharaoh’s daughter, Bithiah.

Actors: 4 Minutes: 6

In this modern adaptation of the story of the lost sheep, Miss Stacey’s class plays a game of hide-and-seek outside during recess. When Josh goes missing in the rain and cold, he doesn’t think anyone will find him, until Miss Stacey comes to the rescue.

Actors: 5 Minutes: 5

One character is played by 2 actors, one representing her confident side, the other representing her anxious side.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 3

In this dramatization of the Old Testament scripture from Exodus 5 and 6, Pharaoh forces his Israelite slaves to make bricks without straw, and God calls upon Moses to help deliver the Israelites to the promised land.

Actors: 5 Minutes: 6

A teenaged/young adult male and female talk through the difficulties of trying to stay pure and the different pressures for each gender.

Actors: 2 Minutes: 2