Christian Scripts and Church Dramas
The Skit Guys have been busy writing and collecting scripts for over 10 years. We have a wide range of church dramas and skits that can be performed for almost any occasion. Our Christian scripts are biblically based and can be used not only in churches, but most school drama competitions as well.
All of our scripts are downloadable, which means we do not actually ship anything. As soon as you find your script and checkout, you can download immediately and start practicing your skit or play.
This duet serves as an entertaining announcement or reminder for a youth summer camp, with details of what to expect, what to bring, dates, and more.
Fear sets in for a teenager on the brink of graduation. As she (or he) voices worries to mom about being an adult, she’s/he’s reminded that the love and support from her/his parents will continue on, no matter how old she/he gets.
When Tia interviews to become a mom, she's so overwhelmed by the demands put on mothers that she almost turns away. Then she realizes that all a mother truly needs is a humble willingness to allow God to parent through her.
In this readers theater, 3 moms come together in solidarity to pump each other up for the biggest game of their lives — the highest-stakes challenge they’ve faced to date: Motherhood. And they’re in it to win it.
Boxbob draws the "perfect" portrait of his mother, but Boxsue doesn’t understand the picture until he explains that his mom looks like love.
When a woman realizes she didn't get a gift for her mom on Mother's Day, she reaches out to her smart device, Alesha, for help. But the response she gets from the machine is not what she expects.
This Readers Theater takes the opportunity to thank mothers for all they do, while also offering a blessing and lifting them up in prayer.
As a teenage daughter writes a card to her mother apologizing for her crudely-finished handmade gift, she realizes that her mother is God’s uniquely crafted, handmade gift to her.
In this game show parody, a blindfolded mom-to-be interviews three potential children, each with their own unique challenges. In the end, she chooses to be the mother to all three, explaining that God adopted her despite her brokenness, and she wants to do the same for these kids.
A few moms gather in a secret club where they get to escape the craziness of motherhood and relax without interruption. Eventually, they share things they love about their kids and decide to head home, realizing that no matter how stressful it can be, being a mom is worth it.
Every mom is different, but each one is an incredible blessing that needs to be celebrated. This touching and heartfelt Readers Theater is designed to be read by kids in service to bless and celebrate their moms.
A husband forgets Mother’s Day and ends up in the dog house. But when he sincerely starts listing all the wonderful reasons moms are celebrated on this day, he just may be able to escape the oversight.
The joy of Easter is so wonderful it’s natural to want to simply focus on the resurrection. However, it’s important to take time to remember the terrible three days before the tomb was found empty. This Reader’s Theatre script helps to guide the congregation into Good Friday to remember the suffering of Christ and to take a moment to pray for those who still suffer for his Name.
In this story of the lost sheep, we join in the silly antics of some sheep waiting while their Shepherd does whatever it takes to bring home a lost one from their flock.
When Adam and Eve find themselves outside of the garden, they discover that they now have a big empty spot near their hearts. After numerous humorous attempts to find what’s missing, they learn that the answer is as near as a prayer.
This Readers Theater recounts the story of the adulterous woman and exposes our own tendencies to judge others and avoid being real about our own struggles.