Christian Scripts and Church Dramas
The Skit Guys have been busy writing and collecting scripts for over 10 years. We have a wide range of church dramas and skits that can be performed for almost any occasion. Our Christian scripts are biblically based and can be used not only in churches, but most school drama competitions as well.
All of our scripts are downloadable, which means we do not actually ship anything. As soon as you find your script and checkout, you can download immediately and start practicing your skit or play.
This Reader's Theater presents a unique perspective of stones in some key moments in the ministry of Christ and His ultimate defeat of death. Perfect for Holy Week or Easter.
Jesus was all about connecting people, to him and each other. Much like the roots of a giant Redwood tree, those of us in the Christian faith are intertwined. We are firmly rooted in our faith and connected to one another so we can continue the message and mission of Jesus. We are to step out and love, heal, care for, and give to those around us.
On the day Jesus died, His followers were hiding in the shadows, denying that they ever knew Him. Our lives are often lived in the shadows, hiding the sin, stains, and shame in our lives. But the darkness of Good Friday brings forth the love and light of Jesus, wiping away our sins.
There is so much to celebrate on Easter morning! Jesus has risen and death has lost its sting. But it’s also because of Jesus and Easter that we are set free and made pure. We are now called children of God and brothers and sisters in faith. Because of Jesus, everything has changed, and we are changed!
As Jesus and the disciples gathered for what would be the last supper, debates erupted over who would be at His right hand. But as this stunning video reminds us, rather than place anyone in authority, Jesus bowed down to wash the feet of His disciples and issued a mandate that we all must love one another as He has loved us.
As humans, we find all sorts of things in our lives to crown as king, but they’re often things that carry us away from the path God sets before us. On Palm Sunday, the people of Jerusalem looked to Jesus as a new king, not realizing that the crown he would bear would be made of thorns. As we celebrate his triumphal entry, this captivating script helps us focus our hearts on Jesus as we declare Him the King of our lives.
Fathers who emulate our Heavenly Father are game changers for our culture and our world. The enemy is keenly aware of this fact, which is why he tries so hard to minimize or even eliminate the impact of the father in a home. Sometimes a simple wake-up call is all it takes to get back on track to being a genuine difference maker for our families.
Two special agents never quite make it on mission because they’re preoccupied with what’s going on at headquarters.
Let’s be honest. We all tend to be a little judgmental. (Or maybe even a lot judgmental.) But we sure do tend to be blind to our own flaws. This humorous look at three over-the-top judgmental ladies is a light-hearted way to get us to see how we appear to God (and people) when we are constantly finding fault with others.
A conversation between friends that reminds us that no unwholesome talk should come out of our mouths.
A script from "Love Has a Name". If God is Love, then the many names of God spoken and expounded on in this script are to be celebrated, owned, and praised!
A traditional responsive reading about how the death of Jesus was the perfect sacrifice we needed for the forgiveness of sins and being reconciled to God the Father.
In this moving skit perfect for Good Friday, an adulteress woman, sinful woman, a pair of thieves and a murderer discuss how an encounter with Jesus changed the path they were on, and ultimately set them free from the darkness in their lives.
This delightful children’s program is the perfect way to celebrate Palm Sunday! With the help narrator or two and an easy to learn song, sung to the tune of, “She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain”, children will wave their palm fronds and celebrate the arrival of Jesus as he enters Jerusalem on the back of the donkey.
This script begins with acknowledgements of the quirky truths about marriage and then moves into the more serious reminders about what marriage should be.
In this heart-warming reader’s theater skit, children and teens share what love means to them, reminding us of the power of God’s love for all of us.