Working On Love - Adult Worship Version
Eric Swink (a member of the Skitiots) brings to life a comedy with two scenes of a person trying to deal with the aspects and traits of Love. We see Paul trying to live out the quality’s found in 1 Corinthians 13. The scenes start with a conversation in a local starbucks and ends with an argument with Paul’s wife*. All the while Paul stumbles on making the virtues a reality with strangers and the people closest to him. The comedy has truth and liberty for the ending to make a great point.
Actors: 3
Minutes: 6 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Format: PDF Download
*The wife can be changed to a girlfriend if used for high school or college instead of adult worship/big church.
(Themes: Love, Unconditional love, Patience, Jealousy, Seeking forgiveness)