Christian Camp and Conference Association and The Skit Guys

The Skit Guys love the power of camp! Tommy and Eddie believe that if we could get every church member to camp or a mission trip once a year, it would radically change the church.

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Let The Skit Guys partner with your camp!

Whether you're looking for the perfect video, a script or even want them to come perform at camp...Tommy and Eddie can help you out!

Live Performances

If you'd like to talk about having The Skit Guys come perform at your camp, fill out this form and get the conversation started.

Click here to fill out a request for a booking.


Need new videos on a consistent basis? We've got subscription plans to fit your video needs...Sign up for an annual plan and get all the videos you'd need in a year!

Click here to learn about our video subscription plans!


Whether you're looking for a DVD for a night of laughs or help training new actors on how best to perform...we've got you covered.

Click here to find more DVDs.