The Gospel According to Peter: A Holy Week Experience

By The Skit Guys | License of Use | Includes Streaming Rights
It’s hard to imagine what it would have been like to walk in ministry with Jesus, let alone be part of His inner circle. But Peter was there, and this Easter, he will lead your congregation through his life-changing journey from Palm Sunday to Jesus’ resurrection. In this new Easter series, through five videos of Peter’s first-person accounts, your church can participate in the Easter story from a new perspective. The Gospel According to Peter: A Holy Week Experience will captivate your congregation and invite people to walk more closely with Jesus.

The bundle includes five engaging videos featuring Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, Good Friday, Easter, and Peter’s encounter with Jesus after the resurrection. You’ll also receive scripts and background graphics if you prefer to do live performances, as well as congregation guides and full-length sermon outlines based on each video, making The Gospel According to Peter: A Holy Week Experience a complete teaching series. You’ll also get an interactive experience you can create at your church, helping people walk through Jesus’ final steps. Also included are stills and motion backgrounds, as well as graphics to use on social media, email blasts, bulletins, direct mail, and more.
Versions with closed caption included
The Gospel According to Peter: Palm Sunday Peter recounts the work and miracles of Jesus that led up to Palm Sunday and shares that Jesus had bigger eyes for a deeper mission than the disciples could imagine. His excitement for what comes next will draw people into the story of that triumphal entry and set you up to teach. This video is from the series The Gospel According to Peter: A Holy Week Experience. The Gospel According to Peter: The Last Supper Peter’s lighthearted story recounting the Passover turns to confusion about the words Jesus shared and what He did during the meal. Peter finally asks, “Where is Jesus going?,” setting up an opportunity for you to teach on the Last Supper. This video is from the series The Gospel According to Peter: A Holy Week Experience. The Gospel According to Peter: Good Friday Peter loves giving nicknames and claims he dubbed the Friday after Passover “Good Friday,” expecting it to be a wonderful day. But then Jesus was arrested and taken away, and the disciples scattered. His confusion about what he believed would be a good day can help guide you into a message about why Jesus’ crucifixion ultimately led to something better than good. This video is from the series The Gospel According to Peter: A Holy Week Experience. The Gospel According to Peter: Easter Peter shares an energetic recap of the first Easter morning, remembering the race to the empty tomb. His lesson on Jewish culture and the master’s napkin explains the significance of the grave clothes left behind, folded in a way that means the Master is coming back. This celebratory video from the series, The Gospel According to Peter: A Holy Week Experience, sets you up to deliver an Easter Sunday sermon. The Gospel According to Peter: Grace When Peter encounters Jesus after the resurrection, his enthusiasm can not be contained. But when he realizes that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was a gift of forgiveness, Peter begins to see that God’s grace is not based on what Peter has done, but instead it’s all about what Jesus has done for each of us. This video, from the series The Gospel According to Peter: A Holy Week Experience, can be used to set up a sermon for the week after Easter (or any time you want to teach about God’s grace and forgiveness).