We all have a longing in us to be cared for by a loving father. While not everyone finds that in a relationship with their earthly father, everyone has complete and total access to their heavenly father's love.
God never promised us that there would be NO yoke or NO burdens, but that we can trade ours for His. Jesus says that His yoke is easy and His burdens light.
Who do I marry? Am I supposed to take that job? Pepsi or Coke? And the list goes on. We can become paralyzed when the questions begin to stack up and we don't feel as though we have the answers.
We now have hope for a future after this life. We can live in freedom through Christ, even while we're here on this earth. He fulfilled the prophecies. He rose from the dead. What other "god" had done this?
Many of us have been hurt by those who claim to love us. If we don't deal with it the right way, we can become bitter which can stop us from deeply loving others.
Coming upon the new year, it's easy to set these general goals for ourselves in hopes that maybe THIS IS THE YEAR we will accomplish them. However, diligence is key!
We always hear people talk about the "reason for the season", but do we actually take the time to sit and reflect on why every year we put up a tree, go on endless shopping sprees to find the perfect gifts, and gather together to eat a good meal with friends and family?
When we choose to reflect on the goodness of God, we can't help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for the unwavering and unconditional love that He has showered upon us. Through the ups and downs of life, His love is a constant anchor, offering solace and strength in times of need.
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